Tree Services
Minnesota is home to over 1 billion ash trees. The emerald ash borer is an invasive species that arrived to Minnesota over the past 5-10 years and is now making a huge impact in the metro area. Many trees are showing symptoms and it is only going to get worse as time goes by. We are on the verge of a crisis and Greener Blade is committed to saving as many ash trees as possible.
If you spot an Ash tree on your property that is struggling the chances are very high it is infected with the Emerald Ash Borer. You have limited time to try and save it, sometimes only a few months.
What we can do:
We now offer tree injections where we come every other year and inject the tree in order to deter the insect from destroying your ash tree.
How much does it cost?
Cost is based own the diameter of the tree (see pricing below)
How do you determine diameter?
At chest height of the tree, measure the circumference (the area around the whole tree) and divide by 3.14
Example: to determine the diameter of a 36” circumference of a tree. Divide 36/3.14 (pie)
Answer is approx 11.5” diameter
$11 per inch for 1-4 Ash trees
$10 per inch for 5-14 Ash trees
$9 per inch for 15-25 Ash trees
Over 25 trees call for pricing
Here is a picture of an ash tree with the ash borer cutting off water supply to the canopy. This tree is on the verge of being a complete loss.
Up close photo of the Emerald Ash Borer